The Impact of Leandra`s Law Sentencing

Leandra`s Law, also known as the Child Passenger Protection Act, was enacted in 2009 in New York State. This law is named after Leandra Rosado, an 11-year-old girl who tragically lost her life in a car accident caused by an intoxicated driver. Leandra`s Law serves to protect children by imposing strict penalties on individuals who drive under the influence with a child in the vehicle. Understanding the sentencing implications of Leandra`s Law is crucial for both legal professionals and the general public.

Key Aspects of Leandra`s Law Sentencing

Leandra`s Law mandates the use of ignition interlock devices for individuals convicted of driving while intoxicated with a child in the vehicle. These devices require the driver to pass a breathalyzer test before the vehicle can be started. Additionally, the law imposes enhanced penalties for DWI offenses involving a child passenger. Offenders may face felony charges, significant fines, and extended license suspensions.

Statistics on Leandra`s Law Cases

According to the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles, there were X number of arrests for DWI under Leandra`s Law in the year 2020. Of these cases, Y% resulted in felony convictions, with an average sentencing of Z years in prison.

Case Study: Impact on Offenders

John Doe convicted Leandra`s Law driving intoxicated 8-year-old son car. As a result of the enhanced sentencing provisions, he was sentenced to five years in prison and required to use an ignition interlock device upon release. This case demonstrates the severe consequences of violating Leandra`s Law.

Implications for Legal Professionals

Attorneys and judges must be well-versed in the sentencing guidelines of Leandra`s Law to ensure that offenders receive appropriate punishment. Legal professionals play a crucial role in advocating for justice and protecting the rights of both the accused and the victims.

Final Thoughts

Leandra`s Law has undoubtedly had a significant impact on reducing the incidence of intoxicated driving with children. However, ongoing education and enforcement are essential to continue promoting safe and responsible behavior on the road. By understanding the sentencing implications of Leandra`s Law, we can work towards creating a safer environment for our children and communities.


Frequently Asked Questions about Leandra`s Law Sentencing

Question Answer
What Leandra`s Law? Leandra`s Law New York State law makes felony drive intoxicated child age 15 vehicle. It was named after Leandra Rosado, an 11-year-old girl who was killed in a drunk driving accident.
What are the potential penalties for violating Leandra`s Law? Violating Leandra`s Law can result in a prison sentence of up to 4 years, a fine of up to $5,000, and the revocation of the driver`s license for at least one year.
Is there a mandatory minimum sentence for violating Leandra`s Law? Yes, there is a mandatory minimum sentence of one year in prison for a first offense and four years for a second offense.
Can a person be charged with violating Leandra`s Law if they were not actually driving the vehicle? Yes, person charged violating Leandra`s Law found physical control vehicle intoxicated, even driving time.
Are there any defenses to a charge of violating Leandra`s Law? Defendants may able argue actually intoxicated, did know child vehicle. However, these defenses can be difficult to prove.
Can person charged violating Leandra`s Law legal limit alcohol? Yes, person still charged violating Leandra`s Law legal limit alcohol, long impaired extent drugs alcohol.
Can a charge of violating Leandra`s Law be reduced to a lesser offense? It is possible for a prosecutor to offer a plea deal to reduce a charge of violating Leandra`s Law to a lesser offense, but this will depend on the specific circumstances of the case.
Is there a statute of limitations for charging someone with violating Leandra`s Law? Yes, the statute of limitations for charging someone with violating Leandra`s Law is generally 5 years from the date of the offense.
Can a person charged with violating Leandra`s Law get their driver`s license reinstated? After a conviction for violating Leandra`s Law, a person may be able to have their driver`s license reinstated, but only after completing an alcohol assessment and treatment program.


Leandra`s Law Sentencing Contract

Leandra`s Law, known Child Passenger Protection Act, New York state law makes felony drive intoxicated child age 16 vehicle. This contract outlines the sentencing terms and conditions related to violations of Leandra`s Law.

Parties Prosecution and Defendant
Effective Date Upon signing by both parties
Term As determined court
Jurisdiction New York State
Applicable Law Leandra`s Law and relevant state statutes
Scope Agreement This contract governs the sentencing terms for violations of Leandra`s Law, including but not limited to fines, imprisonment, and probation.
Amendments Any changes to the sentencing terms must be approved by the court.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this contract as of the Effective Date first above written.